Dining Delights in Huatulco: A Seafood Symphony

 by Tina Winterlik with help of AI

From the Blog Adventurez in Mexico 


Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

In Huatulco, where the waters gleam,

At Jes y Mar, a dining dream,

First Huachinango of the year,

Oh, what a treat, so fine and dear!

Gracias to hosts, so warm and kind,

Servers attentive, peace of mind,

Watch the bay's emerald embrace,

Safe for swimming, in tranquil grace.

For water sports enthusiasts' delight,

Cruise ships dock, a vibrant sight,

Yet serene on this peaceful day,

With seafood feasts and Corona's sway.

Join us at Jes y Mar, relax and see,

The beauty of Huatulco's sea,

Where every meal is a savory delight,

Under the sun's warm, soothing light.

Photo Credit: Tina Winterlik

Watch the video, capture the view,

Moments of joy, shared anew,

In Huatulco's charm, where memories bloom,

At Jes y Mar, amidst ocean's perfume.


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